Thursday 14 March 2013


Taken just now.. Sleepy.. :)
Hello. I am almost late.. HAHAHA good thing I arrived here at the office at exactly 11:30! Woohoo! GOD is so good! ;) It's because I can't sleep last night. Katrina Inocencio messaged me and asked me some proposal about earning money & I liked it. Hoping that it will work out and maka ipon para sa baby.. :) I slept at 4am I guess, woke up at 9:30, cooked fishda na sarsiado, then went to work at 10:30.. hehehe.. busy busy bee. I supposed to go on western union also because tito Adam sent some money for his kids but am already late so maybe we'll get it tomorrow, or on monday.. Then i asked leleng to contact trishia so that her uncle can send her to our house on monday so that they will sleep there. :) Hmm it's gonna be a busy week! As of the moment, me and Jomar were watching videos on how to rotate the breeches baby! hehe.. Hope my baby will rotate to her right position soon so that I can manage to have Normal delivery! Just keep praying.. As long as she is normal :) 

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