Saturday 4 April 2020

random thoughts, random dates and time.x

2days no communication at all with you. I've been crying all day😭😭 tinitiis ko.x kasi if this is what you want i gotta ease the pain 😭😭 

Time check- 3:54am/  aprril 5, 2020.  😔 i cant sleep.x 
Ive been sleepless for almost 4days now. 😓 kaya ko to!!! Matatapos din to😔

April5/5:43pm - hey. I miss you! Seeing all of your messages sa gc makes me wanna talk to you but tinitiis ko not to kasi hndi mo din naman ata ako namimiss kausap :( ang hiraaaap. I miss you so much 😭😭

April6/1:53am - hey i miss you😭 sleeping kana sguro.x goodnight. -,-

April6/4:05am - i rmembrr seeing you in my dream again. Ganito ata talaga pag sobrang miss mo isang tao.x  3rd day na. No talking and all. Im crying again😭

April6/7:18am - cant sleep.x gusto na kita imsg pero dko magawa. Immsg mo kaya ako? Asa pa ko. Hays. 😔

7:40am- still awake.x guess ill be sleeping without talking to you again. Its been 3 days but felt like weeks already😭 hays this is just really sad. :[[ the saddest part is im the only one suffering😭 and you dont even know. Well its much btter that you dont know ;( i dont want you to feel bad. I'll tiis everything. :( 

8:49am - stilll awake. Still missing you :[

April7/4:59am - yey. Cant believe you messaged me and you started the conversation. I just cant help but smile :) i will sleep happy nowwwww. ☺ it was nice talkin to you after 4days.x ♡ 

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