Saturday 18 April 2020

8 minutes before 12am.x

Why am i feelin sad all of a sudden. Okay naman na ako at natitiis ko na mga bagay bagay. How come I felt sad right now bigla. Parang naiiyak ako. Naaalala ko na naman yung feelings ko sa kanya. Totoo pala talaga na makakalimot ka kapag busy ka pero at the end of the day kapag nakahiga ka na. Maiisip mo na naman lahat and makakalimutan mong kalimutan sya. Hay nakoo. Hanggang kailan ba tooo.. 😖🙈 hanggang kailan ko to mararamdaman? :[ i wanna cry.x yung heartbeat ko gusto na umiyaK. hahahahaha. Fuck!

Sana matapos na to. Sana galingan ko pa para mawala na. Kasi sobrang sakit na. HAHAHAHAHA! iyak ko na nga lang to hanggang makatulog na ko. GOODNIGHT! ♡

Friday 17 April 2020

if only you knew. 🙈

It might seem like i'm okay cz we dont talk anymore like we used to do. But i am not okay. Sleeping early is my way of not thinkng abt you at night.x ksi staying up late and not being able to talk to you makes me so lonely. HAHA sympre wala kang alam. Kasi i dont tell you my feelings anymore. I just needed to keep it on my own. I'd rather keep it on my own. ☹ pero one thing is for sure, i am missing you so much. I know you dont feel the same so bye blog.x useless blog again today. So sorry. 🤣 sigh!

Thursday 16 April 2020

how to save my heart?

So here's how i guess.x 🙈🙈

1. should:
 • never expect
 • never demand
 • never assume

2. know:
 • your limits
 • where you stand
 • your role

3. don't:
 • get affected
 • get jealous
 • get paranoid

4. just: 
 • go with the flow and be happy
 • stay positive



Its been days that we dont talk that much. Getting used to it but i somehow miss talking to you all the time. Pero ayos na ko nakakausap ka before i sleep. Siguro eto na nga yung dapat. 😔 sad pero that's how it supposed to be. Happy naman kami. Reality check ☺ its not that bad. Happy memories ♡

Sunday 12 April 2020


Just some random thought right now that i wanna share.
Narealize ko lang na mas okay pala i-unlove nalang yung taong di ka naman mahal ksi may love na iba. And focus to other people in your life na makakapagpasaya sayo.x not that i wanna forget this person. Special sya sakin so ill be always here. But i needed to unlove this person para normal nalang. Wlang expectations. Walang disappointments. May pain but i'll get over it. 

You can do it, Jhaymie!☺

Wednesday 8 April 2020

sweet morning ♡

Hello blog.x so as you can see i havent posted anything since april 7. And its because were good again. Good like were talking again. I just dont want my blog na puro sadness nalang. I am happy now so i am blogging. 😊 so im abt to sleep actually but its so hard to sleep now.x idk. Woke up at 4am eh. 3hrs sleep lang so i needed to rest pa din talaga. 😣 so uhmm. Yeaah. I am happy with whats happening now. my heart is full. I just hope this will continue.x  ♡ byerszzz blog. I will sleep munaaa 🙈

Saturday 4 April 2020

random thoughts, random dates and time.x

2days no communication at all with you. I've been crying all day😭😭 tinitiis ko.x kasi if this is what you want i gotta ease the pain 😭😭 

Time check- 3:54am/  aprril 5, 2020.  😔 i cant sleep.x 
Ive been sleepless for almost 4days now. 😓 kaya ko to!!! Matatapos din to😔

April5/5:43pm - hey. I miss you! Seeing all of your messages sa gc makes me wanna talk to you but tinitiis ko not to kasi hndi mo din naman ata ako namimiss kausap :( ang hiraaaap. I miss you so much 😭😭

April6/1:53am - hey i miss you😭 sleeping kana sguro.x goodnight. -,-

April6/4:05am - i rmembrr seeing you in my dream again. Ganito ata talaga pag sobrang miss mo isang tao.x  3rd day na. No talking and all. Im crying again😭

April6/7:18am - cant sleep.x gusto na kita imsg pero dko magawa. Immsg mo kaya ako? Asa pa ko. Hays. 😔

7:40am- still awake.x guess ill be sleeping without talking to you again. Its been 3 days but felt like weeks already😭 hays this is just really sad. :[[ the saddest part is im the only one suffering😭 and you dont even know. Well its much btter that you dont know ;( i dont want you to feel bad. I'll tiis everything. :( 

8:49am - stilll awake. Still missing you :[

April7/4:59am - yey. Cant believe you messaged me and you started the conversation. I just cant help but smile :) i will sleep happy nowwwww. ☺ it was nice talkin to you after 4days.x ♡ 

Friday 3 April 2020

sleeplessssss 😭

I wonder if that’s just how it feels to miss someone so bad – like being stabbed in the gut a little bit, each time you think of them. Arrrgh! I CANT SLEEP!!! Please get out of my head 😭

Update: it's 10am already and im still awake. Bwahaha. Ang hirap naman magisaaaaaaaa. Di maiwasan magisip. Lahat na ginawa ko pra di ko sya maisip pero ganun padin ending. Wtf! 

morning blues ♡

Goodmorning blog.x so im awake again and cz I cant go back to sleep I edited my blog theme and layout after so many years. Took me almost 2 and a half hour by editing css and html codes. HAHA how i miss facebook days. Well im not yet done tho but i got tired so yan na muna sya. Lol much better if web version. Pangit tignan ng theme pag sa phone lang. Hehe. Wala lang. Naglilibang lang ako.x i can't still get him out of my head. I don't wanna go sleep ksi I am always seeing him in my dreams. Like seriously, it's been twice in a row 😔😭 its a bit nice tho cz in my dreams were together and were talkin and laughing. However pagising ko naman makes me miss him more bcause of that.x we havent talk since yesterday. He did not reply to me last last night so ayko na mairita sya or what if i still msg him. He obviously doesnt want to talk to me. Ksi he seenzoned me a couple of times. 😔😔 and very masakit talaga yun for me. :( anyway. Sorry blog. Sya lagi laman ng isip ko lately. Kaya sya din lagi laman ng kwento ko sa blog ko. I just dont wanna forget this feeling. Reading blogs abt him in the future and knowing that i felt this again after a long time.x sana he's missing me too.  :(
Hayys ill go back to bed and sleep.x goodluck sa panaginip ko.x 😌 

Thursday 2 April 2020

5'o clock in the morning.x

Goodmorning blog. It's morning again.x and im still awake. Fell asleep last night around 7-11pm so its so hard to go back to sleep.zz 2nd day of my period and im feeling a bit moody idk. Not like that usually but maybe the reason why im too emotional last week cz of PMS. Well im trying to accept the changes. We don't talk that much anymore. I can feel like maybe he's doing the distance thing. Its kinda sad to be honest. But i am already accepting it each and everyday whenever i open my eyes im always saying na its just not the way it is and things will never be the same anymore.x 
Im still glad were bestfriends. I gotta be just a friend. Nothing  more. Nothing else. Its better to be bestfriends rather than not talking to each other at all.x so that's what i will be doing.  Enough with the dramas. It hurts so bad but i need to stand up and just be strong.x i'll be okay. This is so not new to me. Ive been hurt a couple of times. And nakayanan ko. So this time kakayanin ko.  Ulit. For myself. Hayyy. Sana pwede. Kasi hindi talaga pwede. Kung may pagkakataon lang. But sadly wala. Hayyy. Nakakaiyak. Iyak lang. Wala naman bad sa pag iyak. Kapag nakakaramdam ng pain, iyak lang :( ganun nalang gagawin ko. I know fed up na sya sa mga drama kong paulit ulit na dapat matagal ko naman na naintindihan. Anyway. I guess ill be sleeping. Its almost 6am. Just so you know he seenzoned me for like 5times today.x it hurts but i know why he's doing this. I am not his priority. Sino ba ko? May purpose why hes doing this. For me not masanay anymore. Alam ko. I know him. Kaya tanggap ko. Even if it hurts. Its fine. :'( 

Anyway, yep i will sleep now. Looking forward to no more pain on the next coming days.x

I JUST SAW THIS PICTURE somewhere & it pains me a lot reading this  :[[
Breathe.. i'll be okay.x