Sunday 27 June 2021

goodmorning. xx

Hello blog. How have you been lately? Oops. Guess i should ask that myself instead. 

I guess im fine. Kinda not in the mood rn coz its my first day. 😓 I woke up early today. I guess abt 4am. I re- cooked breakfast from leftovers last night. xx i played ml. And now im blogging after 1 game. Uhmm. Kamusta ba ako? I feel blessed but deep inside may mga takot pa din ako. Idk. I know that im still not okay. But ofcourse I need to look at the brighter side. Im worried about my fingers. May athritis na ata ko. Its kinda hard to move them pag bagong gising ako. Tagal na din neto. 🤦 Goodbye sa mga bawal na muna ako specially veggies with beans. 😓 Im taking b complex tho. Pero prang di naman umeefect.  And oh by the way I had my first dose of pfizer vaccine last saturday. Went there around 3am and i gt home at 10:30am i guess. Struggle is real pero okay naman na. Side effects? Uhm masakit lang sa braso for like 2 days and i felt like im sleepy and all pero kaya din pala ako wala sa mood kasi magkakaron na pala ako. PMS as usual. 

I will also do some blogging about Zoey's 8th birthday probably next time. 💞

Namiss ko mag blog. Dami ko pa gusto ikwento kaso masakit talaga puson ko. 🙄 Ugh. Til next na muna 😅

THIS IS ME ATM. hahahahahaha 

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