Friday 7 May 2021

its 12:13am

La lang. Felt like i wanted to blog tonight. Cz i changed my phone font and theme & yes i bought them again via gcash. Anyways we rushed zayn today sa animal bite center kaninang mga 8pm kasi nascratch sya ni flick sa face. Gastossss mygahd. Pero atleast he's okay. 🤦 See pic 
So there's 3 more sessions left para macomplete ang vaccine nya ng anti rabies. 🤦  Rawr. Aso pa more. Hahahaha. 🤦 Buti nalang talaga open pa yun or else sa hospital kami magpapaturok 6500 pa nga. Hahaha. So there. Im kinda not feeling well today tho. Para akong nanlalata na ewan 🤦 baka dahil sa ingrown ko na namaga dahil sa nagpedicure samin last weekend. Ang sakit huhuhu.  So yaaa i better sleep. Natuto na naman ako magpuyat🤦 not good. Xx goodnight. 

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