Sunday 29 March 2020

cry harder!

Halaaaa grabe yung pain na nararamdaman ko as of the moment. Naiiyak na ko 😭😭😭 sobrang sakit. Alam ko na masasaktan ako pero di ko alam  na ganito kasakit!!! Di ako makaiyak. Kaya lalong mas mahirap. Kailangan ko itago yung pain. Sobrang sakit. Oh my gosh. I just wanna get drunk and sleep. Ayoko na. Sobrang sakit ng nararamdaman ko. 😭😭😭😭 idk what to do anymore😭😭😭  i just wanna cry!!!!!

Saturday 28 March 2020

Pain pain go away!!

Woke up today with such pain in my heart. Maybe because this is the last day i get to speak with someone so special to me. Decided not to talk to this person anymore because its the best thing to do. Sigh! This pain in my heart is sooo legit. Hahaha. Iniisip ko nalang it will pass & i gotta move on. Let go and move on, jhaymie. Easy to say but so fuckin hard to do. Oh come on. This is just really sad. I DONT KNOW HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE FOR ME TO BE OKAY but I hope its sooner. Because this pain is killing me softly 😭😭 huehue. It hurts so bad. 

one afternoon.

I don't know  i just wanna do some blogging whilst watching movie. I miss talking with my bestfriend. We haven't talk to each other for almost 48hrs now. I am getting so sad. :( i am missing this person so much.x 

Tryna do other things to forget things that hurt the most but its so fuckin hard. :[

Anyway, i just need to go with the flow and live life. Maybe its just really what it should be. 

Not so happy afternoon btw. Can't stop thinking about.. 

Thursday 26 March 2020


Yep were still on lockdown because of corona virus. We're on lockdown til april 14th. Dnt know yet if the president will extend it.  Anyway, i just wanna do some blogging tonight. Since I can't sleep and everytime I do the blogging is whenever I don't have someone to talk to diba.

What am I feeling right now?
Honestly? I am kinda sad. Still sad coz i feel like i am no special person to anyone. Still the same reason though. I just wanna feel loved. Why am I always the second best? When will I be the only one? For whoever is ready may be confused but it's just really hard to explain my feelings right now. Arggg. Nakakamiss na pag nagtampo ka, may umaamo sayo kasi ayaw ka nyang mawala and ayaw ka nya makitang malungkot. 

Argg ayoko na tuloy tong blog na to. Mattulog nalang akoooooo. Goodnight!☺ 

Monday 9 March 2020


I am totally hurt right now. I knew from the very beginning that  this will happen. Eventually someone will get tired and will not be happy and satisfied anymore since YOU are not his priority because there's no US in the story. You were just someone who came along the way but will not be there cz he dont need you at all. 

Sad ending. But this is just surreal. MY HEART IS FUCKING BROKEN! I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. 

But i gotta be strong & just move on. 
I am expecting this. I should'nt be sad.
This is my consequence. This is my karma. 

I ws left all Alone. Maybe you're all fed up with my dramas. 

Fuck life.