Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Sunday, 23 September 2018
Friday, 21 September 2018
Lord i'm so tired.
Monday, 17 September 2018
13 weeks ♡
So much pain. ♡
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Thank you for hurting me ♡
The pain may not be easy to forget, the tears is really hard to hold. I gave up on you so many times, but I always end up hoping that you'll be back. How can I forget the words you've said. The plans for a lifetime that you insisted. The efforts you have done to get my heart. Those laughters we've shared together. You're not my ideal man, but in you, I found myself complete.
I was happy and contented before I met you. Then you came, you got close to my heart and finally, you own it. I feel so complete, and more than blessed. I feel like you're the man I've been praying for. Until we call it quit.
I will never lose you, its rare to meet someone like you, that is not just handsome, but also smart and with a good heart. I love you, don't ever forget that.
We were so happy and full of love.
We have called it quit but my heart never stopped loving you. But I still love you the same. There was no day nor time that had passed by that I didn't think of you. We may have ended the relationship with a reason until now I can't explain, but my love for you was never gone.
I miss you. I miss us. I miss myself when I'm with you. I miss everything about us.
I have done so many stupid things in life, I was hurt several times. I never thought you will be one day, belong to those stupid things I have done.
Why me? Why do you have to get close to me, tell me that you love me when in the end you're only purpose is to hurt me. Why did you have to tell me you love me when from the very start, you didn't have any intentions of taking our relationship seriously. What did I do wrong to be hurt like this? Does it bring you happiness knowing that I was so affected? These are just few questions I kept asking myself, but still, unanswered.
How? How can I go on with my life without you. How will I ever forget you when you never left my mind. How can I move forward if my life has stopped when we broke up. Without you, I have forgotten to explain the real meaning of happiness.
But the pain has to end. Today, I'm letting myself go. I know my worth and what I deserve. It maybe hard, but I know I will get there. Today, I'm moving on with full of love for myself. Little by little, I will be okay and I will forget that we have ever met.
Thank you for hurting me. Because right now, with this pain, I can see myself stronger than before. Thank you for hurting because now, I have realized my worth. Thank you for hurting me because now, I can say. I'm better than the girl you have played with.
#notmypersonalrelationshipwithJA lol